#‎CELEBRATING‬ Our Silent Heroes: Mrs. Samunaki Gladstone

Lifestyle Security
ASP Samunaki Gladstone

As usual, I was going through the Social Media to see what is happening, the DOs and DON’Ts of this World.

I came across this post on Facebook written by the Able Pastor Agoso Bamaiyi and the face on the post looks familiar, aha! I remember seeing this face before in one traffic junction in Yola.

When I read this piece, I could not ignore it, so I decided to share. But I though sharing alone would not do Justice to this Patriotic Nigerian who serves with all diligence.

So I believe Posting this on my blog is a way of doing my on part in letting Nigerians and the World that this Officer is serving her own Fatherland despite the odds. Read this:

If you reside in Yola, then am sure you are familiar with this female Traffic Warden (Yellow Fever). Her name is Mrs. Samunaki Gladstone.

The dark skinned woman who stands gallant at her duty post wherever she is posted within the capital city. She rarely speaks, rather calm yet vigilant of the traffic situation.

Even with the blazing 45 degree heat she can be seen still dishing out road directions.

Well She was promoted yesterday from the rank of Inspector to ASP (Asst. Superintendent of Police).

Today is her first day on the job with the new rank and I celebrate her because she is diligent and represents the African woman who stands strong to serve the society.

She may not always be on the road like before (New levels lolz.).

But in case you see her in your area please shout a big congratulations to her and give her a handshake, throw a salute but please just celebrate her and put a smile on her face, buy her a crate of malt, Give her a card, anything that works for you.

She may not be a soldier who carries guns to fight insurgents but believe me her duty post has saved countless lives from unnecessary accidents.

and you could post her duty location so that others could say congrats too.

By Agoso Bamaiyi

Pictures Below:

