When Defections Amounts to Stealing

Domestic News Politics

George Kushi

The recent spate of cross-carpeting by politicians across the country is anything but shocking. It defies logic that for no palpable reason , except for greed and selfish reasons people are changing sides.

This phenomenon that has been long anchored in Nigerian politics is baffling. Politicians of character are are so scarce that serious political observers have been fast to conclude that the polity is rife with political prostitutes whose stock in trade is the wholesale mandates bought or stolen to be sold to the highest bidder.

There are a few politicians that have stoically remained in their party as men of principles.
Recently ,the Zamfara Deputy Governor proved his mettle by refusing to join the state governors move to the APC as a result of the intimidating posture the”federal might” has wielded by those at the top. The fear of the federal government and the men that run is coersing ,intimidating and seducing many to be part of a regime they hope will save them from prosecution for crimes committed and chance to partake in pillaging the nation’s coffers.

For whatever reasons, cross-carpetting as obtains in Nigeria today smirks of deceit,greed, shamelessness and treachery to the electorate and the nation at large.
While it is acceptable in a democracy to change sides, doing so for no visible reason except for self-aggrandizement exposes the perpetrators as nothing but self-seeking people of low esteem,lacking in character and bereft of shame(total lack of honor and dignity).

In our society today that is economically and education all strangulated ,the poor have succumbed to personality cults induced on the basis of religion ,tribe, or other form of association while the politicians fervently adhere to their religion; power.
Decamping to another party is not the worst thing to happen, but the spurious and dubious(devious) reasons are what brings to question the character many such decampees.

Inconsistent and erratic shifts from one party to the other for cogent reason is a clear sign that this treacherous character will persist in the perpetrators.

In the case of political office holers it would be honorable to seat out their tenures before eloping .Eloping with the” husband’s” (party’s) property?( mandate amounts to stealing)!

The effects will not be long in coming when these carpetbagging( carpet-crossing) defectors,most of them people that found themselves in exalted positions by the accident of fortune are the same that will go back their.old trade being public house cleaners while the stoic people of character will endure.
Time was,when ex-governors and other political office holders of low esteem have tried these acrobatic political gymnastics whereby they fell and broke their political necks and ended up broke after being abandoned and left helpless.

The effects will not be long in coming when these carpetbagging( carpet-crossing) defectors,most of them people that found themselves in exalted positions by the accident of fortune are the same that will go back their.old trade being public house cleaners while the stoic people of character will endure.
Time was,when ex-governors and other political office holders of low esteem have tried these acrobatic political gymnastics whereby they fell and broke their political necks and ended up broke after being abandoned and left helpless.


No Apologies!!!!