Hanging on The Wrong Side of Election Review

Domestic News Nigeria 2023 Elections Politics

By George Kushi

The March 18,2023 elections have come and gone. With all requirements of the constitution of the Federal Republic and Electoral laws governing the elections adhered to one would have expected that the grey areas picked by INEC based on the complaints of the Binani group and INEC’S acceptance to conduct reruns in some areas would satisfy the contestant and her group,but that is not the case with them.

Faced by gravity of not being able to cover the gap whatever their manipulation of results in the said areas, Binani and her cohorts are now making attempts to further expand their base from which to implement a grandiose rigging plan. In total disregard to the electoral laws that stipulate a period not exceeding one week to review election results they are declared. Even to this fact is a caveat that stipulates that this can be done only if the Returning Officers made the report under duress(forced) into writing the report or if they were done not in accordance with the law.

In this situation ,the conduct of the elections in Adamawa ,the computation and collation of the results and the submissions of the results leave no doubts about the veracity of the results. Following a thorough reexamination of the Fufore returns, one would have thought Aishatu Binani would resign to her fate of having lost the election,but this was not to be the case. In desperation ,she has continued to expand the scope of places she is contesting over to almost all local government areas in the state.

Common sense should prevail on her that insisting that she has been all over the state means that it is not only a case of rejection, but may be even worse. If all over it could be allowed to have her rigged in the presence of her agents it can only mean that they don’t love or even support her. With all of them around and unable to testify to the contrary of what they signed,unable to show injury caused or prove how results were swapped, it is ludicrous to claim rigging.

The only case of thuggery is at her doorsteps,in Fufore,where the result sheets were snatched,and during her personal supervision of the invasion of personal residencies that served as a PDP situation room after falsely concocting defamatory allegations and misleading security operatives. Where did she derive the power to command security operatives who did her bidding? How did she and the security operatives feel when they found nothing after having realised the alarm she raised was Fake?

Binani complained about irregularities. But it was made manifest in her own case where the REC was caugh on tape trying to “taimaki matanan”. The REC made mention of extra results sheets. The Binani camp paraded several results pertaining Fufore. From her getting, 67,000 to 37000, to 26,000 before the IREV confirmed her 24,000. Where did they get all the new results sheet that they used for the shoddy deals? Is this not a confirmation to the fears raised about the contract awarded to her for the print of results sheets? Well, Nigerians were earlier alerted even before the governorship election. One can now only put two and two to draw up conclusion.

“Matan Nan ” is crying over a supposedly rigged governorship election and is completely blind to the fact that her party performed poorly generally all over the state. Rather than assessing her weaknesses,she is desipating her energy chasing ephemeral images of a fast receding governorship seat.

Tomorrow, when the total tally is announced, Binani will to her biggest mistake realise that her dream of occupying the Dougirei Government House this time around is not possible,and that even insisting on that in a court of law will only distance her away from the office even further in future going by the displayed desperation as seen by Adamawa people.

Politics is not war. Neither is it a do or die affairs. For you to be called EXCELLENCY, YOU MUST WIN EXCELLENTLY.

Someone should kindly taimaki matanan by passing the message to her loudly and clearly!!!