Exposing The Grand Rigging Plan- George Kushi

Domestic News Nigeria 2023 Elections Politics

By George Kushi

Today ,the 14th of April 2023 may be a day to be long remembered in the anals of Adamawa state politics. Some viral audio recording making the rounds has exposed
A grand plan to rig the elections and declare Binani the winner and that this plan is underway.

And this are the signs of the abuse of the people’s rights that will manifest on Friday the fourteenth as according to this viral audio

A convoy of troops (military)will descend on Yola. They will be supported by troops from Bauchi and other places.

That The roads linking Yola the state capital will be sealed off and rendered inaccessible in preparation to the announcement that will falsely declare APC the winner of the governorship elections.
Shetima(Tinubu’s VP) will lead the contingent that will supply muscle to steal the result and to supply the fake one to be announced.

Having sealed the state capital,the army will impose a dusk to Dawn curfew to ensure nobody goes against the fraudulent activity from the “top”.

A new set of BVAS machines will be used. The machines have been programmed for rigging. The machines are in town brought by a team of surborned security officials led by one Maina.

A show of force is meant to ensure compliance by subduing the people of Adamawa into accepting an imposed governor “by hook,crook or brute force.

If indeed true, it means All these machinery are at work as this article is being penned. Let he who has ears hear and understand so that when they see these signs they will know how dangerously close this desperate gang of politicians are pushing the fragile peace enjoyed by the people of Adamawa.

Evil forces are at work. While good men plan,the wicked plot evil in their quest for political power.

It has further been exposed that In dark corners,the professional riggers have scheme to lay claims to a bogus over eighty- thousand votes that will overwhelm the thirty-one thousand lead by Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri. When these votes are added to the outcome of the supplementary elections that stand at thirty-seven thousand,they will then claim victory. On the pretext that many of the votes attributed to Fintiri were not captured by the BVAS machines, But who is gullible enough to follow that line of thinking? Only the really stupid. Can the BVAS machines that they claim failed be able to identify who voted for who? If that is not tenable ,how did they arrive at the conclusion that the bogus votes went to Fintiri? A close observation of the pattern of voting will show that it is in Fintiri’s strongholds,where the APC rigged that over-voting occurred.

Now faced with fact the areas will be revisited and the likely outcome from the areas,the APC has to change it’s strategy to include other areas. Their next move may change a little due to insufficient time to implement grandiose rigging ,but to beat them to their game,it imperative to checkmate their moves. Their game plan is hereby exposed here so that when you see these things happening,we don’t fall to their subterfuge. It is our duty,one and all to participate actively ,even if our areas will not be voting on the 15th of April. Our vigilant monitoring of events will be crucial in defeating their devious plan by these neo-fascists that want to toy with our rights.

When you hear of over eigthy thousand votes arising from concluded elections ,remember that you have been informed of this plot. When you see strange soldiers patrolling your street ,remember that you have been warned before hand of this fascist plot. When a curfew is declared , remember that the fascist threat has began. When you hear anything new or see these things manifest,know yet that a horrendous evil threatens your rights as a citizen. Do what is right before it is too late.
Our rights in our state is under siege.

It is our duty to ensure peace and say”no” to criminally minded elements that want to rob us off our inalienable right to choose our leaders.
United,we shall crush this neo-fascists threat. No intimidation can defeat us. United we stand,united we shall flush bad garbage from our state.