Vrati’s Lame Defense of Hudu -George Kushi

Domestic News Nigeria 2023 Elections Politics

By George Kushi

Vrati Nzonzo that started his political career at a tender age has committed political hara Kiri by walking into a lion’s den
Seun Okinbaloye, the Channels TV presenter made mincemeat of him as he failed to answer simple questions. In their encounter,Vrati Nzonzo,the failed APC candidate for the House of Representatives exposed himself to ridicule when he failed to answer elementary questions that demand simple “yes” or ” no” answers.

Full to the brim with half-truths he tried to justify the biggest attempt to rape democracy by Hudu (Who do),his principal Binani and the few unconscionable APC members that lack the guts and conscience to call off the electoral fraud in Adamawa state.
His attempt to polish the brigandage started immediately he tried to justify Hudu’s dubious declaration that led to the coup broadcast of acceptance speech. Full of untruths and misrepresentation of facts,he wanted to ascribed legitimacy to the now,fugitive of justice. While trying to justify Hudu’s actions as legal,the culprit himself is on the run.

While the rogue REC remains fugitive from the law,Vrati Nzonzo was busy trying to vindicate by him lowering himself to be made fun of by a TV anchor to the consternation of those that thought better of him. It was a humiliating outing where he was subjected to objective questions which he awfully failed.

The relevant laws were spelt out,yet he failed the test. It was a poor outing for one who wanted to represent Numan/Demsa/Lamurde. His arguments that run contrary to popular opinion is a continuation of how he became chairman of Lamurde in a very controversial circumstance when he was imposed on the people of Lamurde by the APC under Bindow.

The lying streak continued to the stage of trying to brand the federal commissioners beaten up as accomplices to the PDP. How could it be true if he at the same time claims they were maltreated by PDP supporters. Clearly ,he was confused and must have gotten lost in his self constructed maze of lies.

How can Vrati justify Hudu’s action, a man that hurriedly left Yola after violating the electoral laws by declaring a winner before the results from ten local governments came in. Why should he try to cast Festus Okoye in bad light when the same Okoye is the first to cry out against the unwarranted attack on the two federal commissioners.Evidently,the web of lies were so ensnaring that in his confused state he did not know his right from his left.

Barely some hours after his misadventure into the lion’s den with Seun things have continued to change . His most boasted of court case has come to naught as it has been discontinued and subsequently dismissed. His fugitive friend Hudu is only talking from hiding and might not be found like some terrorist that have eluded law enforcement agents in the past.

Adamawa citizens; for all our pains,that was one of ours misrepresenting us. Next time we hear such arrant misrepresentation of facts, let’s be equal to the task. Next time around we should by our dignified way tell those that cannot answer “yes” or “no”, neither could they say “right” or “wrong”,but would rather say”it is not wrong”,that it is easier,sweeter and shorter to say “it is right” or “it is wrong”. Anything short of this reeks of equivocation in favor of an agenda to cover the truth.

Well! Something tells me that something extra beyond the initial slush fund is still in circulation. Those that did not get their share of the Bonanza can cash out by going to TV stations and say what their principal wants them to say.

With a ministerial appointment hanging in the Balance , there are still chances to get a plum job. All you need to do to be reckoned with is to say something desired by those that have people at the “top”even though their strength could not swerve things in their favor.

However Vrati attempts to embellish his distorted facts, Hudu is not the Returning officer and therefore has committed a very serious crime for declaring results of a yet to be completed process.

It takes bold and courageous men to stand by the truth!!!