Domestic News Politics

by George Kushi

Indeed ,as expected the stakeholders’ meeting of the PDP in Yola has come and gone leaving in its wake a number of complaints. Most notable of the complaints is from Dr. Umar Ardo ,who over the years has not failed to comically entertain poltical pundits or outrage serious minded politicians engrossed in the pressing matters of state . It therefore came as no surprise that Ardo tried to rubbish the meeting as a ‘none-event’ because he was absent. His absence ,however is not a criterion to decide whether a stake holders meeting held or didn’t hold.
While Ardo was quick to notice the absence of Dan Suleiman,Grace Bent ,Boni Haruna and his”humble self” ,he did not mention that Boni Haruna was represented by Mr. Vandi Zirra. A question that Dr. Ardo should address is whether he was invited or not. When we talk about stakeholders ,it is inherent to assume issues that involves all will be tabled for perusal and criticisms. But as usual ,Dr Ardo failed to attend and took to the war-path ,a practice he is well known for.
Once again,just as always,he is on a self- sustaining mission of boosting his ego. Rather than act like an errant cavalier,he should have attended the meeting and there ventilate his concerns just like others did.
In a democracy self-exclusion is not the right strategy to adopt,rather it is involvement in affairs of public concern that will help resolve issues.

As a matter of fact ,Dr. Ardo has the right to hold a different opinion,but has no right to impose such on others. He can differ ,but shouldn’t try to cajole others into looking through his prism. For sure those that met there are not the only stakeholders, just like the presence of absent on his list would not make it a full stakeholders meeting. the teeming members of PDP are also stakeholders individually ,at the unit and ward level to the local government do not feel the way nor understand Dr.Ardo.

When the top echelon are invited to chart a course for the good of a broad majority ,the absence of some for various reasons cannot make nonsense of a meeting attended by daunting personalities like Boni Haruna, Haj Zainab Maina, Chief Joel Madaki and a broad spectrum of grassroot mobilizers

It is worthy to note that the absence of two or more prominent members cannot be used by Umar Ardo as yardstick to determine the legitimacy of a meeting with key party officials in attendance.

This flippant move by Umar Ardo ,just like in the past have always been a pain the neck of the party. The attempt to portray the party in the state as a fragmented body is a far cry from the facts on ground. Yes ,there were complaints which were acknowledged. That is what democracy entails. In a democracy,respect for divergent
opinions is an important factor in bringing out it’s core values.

From all indications there are attempts to distract Governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri’s focussed government,not necessarily from without,but by using unwittng fifth columnist to sow seeds of discord within the state party apparatus and the PDP nationwide.

The ploy is dead on arrival because the crisis ridden Adamawa they want to see will elude them.