Nyibango-Yolde Pate Road in Yola, A Landmark Project

Government Politics
(Photo Credit: Ijafiya Domiya)

The Governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri led Adamawa State Government on Monday, 27 June 2022, commissioned the Landmark Nyibango-Yolde Pate road in Yola.

(Photo Credit: Ijafiya Domiya)

The road is a 3.18 Km Road with 2 bridges, constructed over water routes with the heavy requirement for bridges and canals. It provides an alternative route to Yola town from Jimeta. Jimeta and Yola town are the two metropolitan parts that makeup the growing cosmopolitan nature of Yola the Adamawa state capital.

Governor Fintiri in his address, described the project as not only a necessary traffic convenience but essential for historic esteem.

After he mentioned some of the developmental strides of his administration across in the state capital and across the state, he introduced the distinguished personality that commissioned the road project.

(Photo Credit: Ijafiya Domiya)

Fintiri described the special guest, Chief Mrs Fibi Nada as teachers’ teacher who is the first female commissioner in the old Gongola state (now Adamawa and Taraba states).

“Chief Fibi Nancy Nada is not just a symbol of feminist pride, but a patriotic Nigerian who was a teachers’ teacher and a public servant per excellence whose service to our father land will forever remain cherished.” He said.

(Photo Credit: Ijafiya Domiya)

Below is the full speech of governor Fintiri at commissioning of the Nyibango -Yolde Pate Road.

No One is Left Behind and Nothing is Left Untouched(Urban Renewal Campaign X)
Rt. Hon. Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri,
Executive Governor Adamawa State.

I welcome you all to yet another milestone achievement in the series of our urban renewal campaign as an administration which is the formal commissioning of the Nyibango -Yolde Pate Road.
This project represents one of our bold steps toward the delivery of good governance to our people.

It is a project which has left skeptics and our antagonists in awe. Because of its complex nature, coupled with the attendant landscape on which the road is constructed, a lot of them thought it is an impossibility.
We took it up and like many of the projects of this nature, we proved them wrong. Today, we are all gathered here to celebrate the triumph of courage over skepticism.

As a government, no challenge is big enough to scare or distract us from delivering development to our people. Indeed, if there is anything that has ever been a tonic that spurs us on to deliver, it is this kind of challenge.
The Nyibango-Yolde Pate Road is a 3.18 Km Road with 2 bridges. What is daunting in the road is not the distance but the fact that it is a road that is constructed over water routes with the heavy requirement for bridges and canals.

This has over the years scared previous administrations and made them to avoid it.

When we came on board as an administration, we dimensioned the significance of the road to our people, and realized that a second route into Yola town – the nerve-center of the Fombina Emirate is not only a necessary traffic convenience but essential for historic esteem.

It is also expected to provide an easy alternative link between the urban Jimeta and the ancient semi-urban Yola town.

This linkage will no doubt aid the speedy cosmopolitan growth of our capital city and mutual socio-economic cross-pollination of the inhabitants.
When we launched the urban renewal campaign in 2020, we were clear on what we wanted to achieve with the campaign.

The vision is to reinvent an Adamawa State with a mega capital city with all the municipal trappings that can open up the State to investors and deliberately produce semi-urban centers that would serve as excellent cosmopolitan withholding hubs for the containment of rural-urban drift.

Three years down the line, I am happy to note that this vision is fast becoming a reality. We are gradually building a State where citizens’ choice of place of settlement is decided not by the availability of municipal infrastructure but the choice of other determinants.

Today, one can safely stay anywhere especially within the Yola and Jimeta Municipal with the desired comfort. The urban renewal campaign is steadily coming to full cycle.

Last, year we were able to commission standard asphalt finished roads complete with concrete lined drains to ensure efficiency and serviceability of the roads in both Yola town and Jimeta.

In Yola town, the flip-side of the Metropolis that make-up the State capital, we were able to commission the Zumo Street Road, Doctors Quarter Road, Mafia Quarters Road and Mbamba Street Road.
We are leaving no stone unturned in making sure that we end the perennial water scarcity in Yola and its attendant consequences on the residents of the town.

This is the reason behind our huge investments in the Small Towns Water Scheme.

To respond to the housing deficit in the State, we are constructing a 1,000 Units Mass Housing at Malkohi, in Yola South.

I am happy to announce that works have reached advance stage on the Housing estate which is adjudged to be the largest Housing Programmme by a single administration in the annals of Adamawa State.
We are determined to complete and commission this project and ensure that our population is sheltered and our people are proud owners of houses they can afford with friendly mortgage terms.

On the Jimeta flank of our State Capital, we were able to commission the WeeklyScope Road which, I had the honour of renaming as Gambo Jimeta Road, Mustapha Ismail Extension, Dougirie Lane Road, Mayo-Inne Street Road, Jalingo Street Road, Lekki Tabba Road, Falu Road and Links, Old Government House Road and Links, Bachure Road which I equally renamed Air Commodore David Jonah Jang Road and Lagos Street Road which I also renamed Brigadier DK Dzirkushu Road.

As I speak to you, works are ongoing on the Mambila Street Road, Jambutu Street Road, Nepa Road, Benue Street and links and Vunoklang-NJabore Road. Tomorrow we are headed to commission the Damare-Badarisa Road.

In line with our guiding philosophy of ensuring no one is left behind and nothing is left untouched, we have extended the urban renewal campaign beyond the State Capital by constructing and commissioning urban roads in Numan, Michika, Hong and Madagali. On Wednesday, we shall be heading to Jada to commission the Jada Township Road.

Distinguished Guests Ladies and Gentlemen, our commitment to combating infrastructural deficit is boundless.
We shall continue to pursue this with every resource at our disposal until we subdue it.

And this I mean, making sure everywhere is covered. For those who think their noise can distract us, it is time to surrender.
We shall continue to flag-off new projects and commission finished ones like we are doing today until the last day of this administration.
This indeed is our own definition of politics; service to the people from the first to the last day.

May I at this juncture commend the efforts of the Honourable Commissioner, Ministry of Works and Energy and his entire technical team and the Contractors, Messrs Triacta Nigeria Limited, for a job well done.
Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, the choice of our guest of honour for the commissioning of this Project is a deliberate and strategic one. It is time for us to recognize and honour distinguished personalities who served our State with vigour and patriotism.

Chief Fibi Nancy Nada is not just a symbol of feminist pride, but a patriotic Nigerian who was a teachers’ teacher and a public servant per excellence whose service to our father land will forever remain cherished.
Today, we want to add to her retinue of accolades a badge of honour, the privilege of having her with us to commission this project.

On this note, may I have the honour to call on Mama Chief Fibi Nancy Nada to come out and commission the Nyibango-Yolde Pate road to the glory of God and the benefit of humanity.

Thank you and God bless.