RE : EXPOSED: Fintiri”s Dubious Political deals to Retain Power at all Cost- George Kushi

Domestic News Politics

Once again charlatans are at work. With nothing to do other than to create mischief,a hired pen is at work trying to conjure an image of criminal scheming that has failed to impress due to the fact that nothing is outside normal politicking. From all indications,the Binani camp has been flustered and is desperate to hold on to imaginary narratives of posible political life-saving measures. In any event this new strategy will not work.The PDP campaign team is well aware of the desperation that has forced the Binani camp to employ writers whose styles exposes their identities. Even more interesting is that the perceived author might be a fictitious Dahiru Sani sponsored to creat a diversion and corrupt the minds of a few gullible people. However,this article ,full of mischief demands scrutiny not because it has any merit ,but because false statements,coupled with irrational thoughts need explanations.It is interesting to note that one of the accusations levelled against Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri has to do with an alleged attempt to woo CAN(Christian Association of Nigeria). A question that arises from this flimsy accusation is,since when has it become wrong in Adamawa state to go into negotiations with religious groups? Is this Binani apologist not aware that his principal ,Binani was in consultation with Adamawa North CAN executives where she promised heaven on earth?. In this case her move has not been faulted by the PDP, nor by Ahmadu Fintiri,who understands her desperation and her last ditch attempt to seek support from all quarters.Fintiri’s all inclusive government does not have to run from goal to post in a last minute attempt to get CAN’s support. Yet,this is not all that this phantom Dahiru Sani ventured to talk about. Whatever Dahiru is talking,he should have respect for others. He has no license to draw eminent and respected citizens into his despicable attempt curry favors. How on earth can he call names like Atiku Abubakar, First Lady Aisha Buhari,Mallam Nuhu Ribadu, Badaru and others so as to make his story plausible? How can he in his wildest dreams make people believe that the future of Adamawa state has been put on the table like a loaf of bread. Dahiru Sani(no,his principal)should have respect for the people of Adamawa when next he employs pedestrian publicist technics in an effort to woo sympathy.From all indications,Dahiru wants to impress,but lacks the finesse,thereby his resort to pooling names from all quarters to seek credibility. Come to think of it, to make Aisha Buhari’s brother a minister, must Fintiri move to APC before that can be achieved. The whole idea look laced with lies and wishful thinking. In any event,if I were Fintiri,I should be flattered that such names have been woed to my side. With all those names,all formidable forces on my side ,why bother about less important people like Dahiru Sani? The names associated with Fintiri in Sani’s is daunting enough to make Binani throw in the towel before the polls. Interestingly enough, these names were notably mentioned as having work to ensure Fintiri”s victory in 2019. So what has changed? Especially now that they are all testament to the fact that he has not disappointed them but impressed them with his sterling performance in governance. How can she even expect to win when she is at war with all her generals? Having estranged her campaign Director-generals at all levels and involved even her Ward executives and even Local Government exos in a court case leading up to the supreme Court,very little or no credibility is left for her. Her party at the ward level is against her at a time she is quarrelling with several notable figures at the national and local levels even with the APC state organizing secretary. Is this the kind of governor that Dahiru wants for us? Such lies was bandied in the build up to the 2019 election where they spread the “fasa kwaryan Fulani” Story. Just as it made no impact before, so would this one also not see the light of the day. Clearly, the write up is intended to garner Fulani sympathy since all the names ranging from Atiku, Auwal, Liman, Ribadu etc are all fulanis.The much acclaimed “paper” by Dahiru is quite shocking in that all through it is full of assumptions and unfounded revelations.The terms,”sources,revealed, believed,according to insiders,the paper learnt,.. ” are continuums that give no insight nor lends any level of veracity to the authors claims. Does Binani think the people of Adamawa are this gullible?They should learn the basics of politics before posting anything in future. For a number of reasons, the so called Dahiru needs not only experts to help him with analysis of what politics entails . It is necessary for him to involve statisticians to help him with figures as his mindboggling figure of Hausa Fulani vote that total four hundred thousand according to his rekoning indicates that all other nationalities constitute less than twenty-five percent of the votes cast in Adamawa state. These are just some of the areas that need his immediate attention.However in addition to the above,the author should bear in mind that in politics negotiations are necessary because politics in itself is the process of determining who gets what,where, when and how. If perchance Fintiri was involved negotiations,he has been doing the right thing,because dialogue is the major ingredient of healthy politicking ,the alternative is the use of force to which Fintiri abhors. Fintiri’s course is the right one,that is if that is the course he took. Or does Dahiru Sani prefer the alternative (quarrelling,fighting)like Binani is doing with her party members and other political elites in Adamawa,or does he prefer the Fintiri way?This sponsored write-up leaves much to be expected. From all indications the composers have a finely defined motive to create disaffection amongst those they think constitute a threat to Aishatu Dahiru. For one ,there is a covert attempt to array the various personalities;Nuhu Ribadu,Auwal Tukur,Liman Tukur and Adamu Atiku Abubakar against one another. By employing the method of” divide and rule”, by pitching the personalities at loggerheads,this crafty method was introduced .In any case, is Binani expecting Waziri Atiku Abubakar to work for her victory. Governor Fintiri traversed the nooks and crannies of Adamawa State in a combined Presidential and Governorship campaign with a winning political machinery alongside Atiku’s son. This culminated into a galvanized support where the grand finale spoke volumes of the way the governor was able to tower over the APC. However,does it appear to the writer that even a fool knows that it is too early at this stage to accept terms or promises that cannot be fulfilled until the next three years? At this stage none of them can hold to that,moreso no single individual can make such a promise and be taken seriously at this stage. Fintiri knows that he can’t joggle these astute politicians like novices. He knows that such a move might turn out disastrous,but even moreso is the fact that such equivocation is not in his pedigree. In any event each of them can aspire for the position since none of them falls short of the constitutional requirements. This plot to create discord is nothing new. It has been the trademark of the Binani campaign machine to set out obstacles that they think can whip sentiments along ethnic and lines; set other nationalities against each other,set the Fulani against the “kabilu,as she puts it,appeal to the Hausa sentiments and embellish it with religion. Unfortunately for them,the man they are fighting has the support of all parties being wooed. Neither tribe ,religion or creed can sabotage Fintiri’s many years of service in political office.