You Cannot Legitimise ILLEGITIMACY – George Kushi

Domestic News Nigeria 2023 Elections Politics

By George Kushi

This is a case of treason in Adamawa, yet little is being said or done about it. A candidate, knowingly acknowledging a dubious report from her paid agent made bold to appear on a dubiously positioned live coverage on NTA to usurp power by an acceptance speech of a not concluded lawful proceeds, has committed nothing short of treasonable felony. This should not go unpunished. Even more dubious is the fact that the principal culprit ,a one time butcher later civil servant of dubious character had an aircraft waiting to whisk him of to safety immediately after his despicable insult on the collective intelligence of the people of Adamawa State.

It is not magic, yet all were astounded by the brazen act of insensitivity to the feelings of the people shown by those from” above”. When the Resident Electoral Commissioner, Hudu, said “a taimaki matan man”,no one was in doubt that something was amiss. His action and words were followed by the dubious “inconclusive” verdict leading to the rerun of the 25th of April which has become the Hallmark of electoral fraud. Leading the count with over thirty-thousand votes,and a mere thirty seven thousand registered voters with a little over thirty two thousand PVC’s collected was what was at stake,the outcome of the election was a forgone issue.

A dubious interlude was created by the ” inconclusive charade. This was to create a room for manipulation. Polling Units designated for a rerun were insufficient to change the tide, therefore a team of riggers/ hackers was mobilized. They were caught on election day and handed over to security agents. The physical presence of the instruments of coercion was made present to intimidate and cajole the populace although the details of what is at stake was made public in prominent TV statio s newspapers and magazines,the drama was allowed to play out to the last detail. The details of the monumental rigging plan appeared on the pages national dailies and several On-line platforms and blogs,yet the script was played to the fullest unmindful of the consequences.

With the announcement by the REC,who has no right or legal standing to do so. This caused a lot of tension in the polity, but for the early interference of His Excellency,Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri, and the National headquarters of INEC who disowned the declaration and rendered it a nullity, hell would have broken out in sorrounding areas that have little military presence. In fact a Deputy Director in the security service arrested by concerned citizens confessed to having received a whooping two billion (no mistake,2 Billion) Naira to perpetuate the electoral fraud. This confession is already a viral video that was even shown On national television. On the other hand the giver is the person that wants us to believe that she really wants to serve us.

Such an amount can only be given to pursue certain goals ,but definitely not to serve the people. Her action is not only a disgrace to womanhood ,but an act of treason occasioned by extreme greed.Nobody has debunked the two billion naira allegation as at yet.

As Adamawa state stands on the brink of a total breakdown of law and order, INEC ,the arbiter had better come up with a decision that will reflect the true will of the people in no time or risk a conflagration that might spread to other places that might have experienced such evil.

This issue,a very burning one should be handled with despatch. Further delay might lead to the total breakdown of law and order. Resolving this issue appropriately is necessary because as it is now,the credibility of INEC is at stake. If the image of the Commission is not redeemed now, future elections are likely to be bloody as an angry electorate robbed of the right to chose their leaders might have no cause to await official announcements. The criminal inadvertently posted to Adamawa would have opened the floodgates for indiscriminate declaring of results.

To set the records right,the results as at the time the election was declared “inconclusive” should be published and the rerun outcome merged to it. This will give the authentic result of the 2023 governorship result in Adamawa state.
Not the least is the fact that any government that does not punish criminality has proved itself criminal. Condoning criminality by turning a blind eye to it is the same as taking part in the crime.

The bottom line is that Hudu,the DSS, Nigeria Police and Civil Defense officials involved in this fake declaration that has been upturned should be made culpable for their offences. Anything short of that will mean that anarchy has set in and that the government cannot ensure our freedom. If that is the case,then” everyone to himself,God for all of us.

We are peace loving people no doubt!!!!