The Overvaulting Ambition That Knolled The Knell on Binani’s Political Career- George Kushi

Domestic News Nigeria 2023 Elections

By George Kushi

It appears that the dust in Adamawa state has settled. With the Hudu- Hudu brazen act of political banditry meant to impose an unconscionable queen in Adamawa foiled,it is now possible to soberly assess the evil forces that threatened democracy not only in Adamawa ,but Nigeria as a whole.

Without an iota of doubt ,on the chess board the queen is a powerful piece. In Adamawa, Binani could have stood as a powerful force but for innate overvaulting ambition,poor counsel and lack of political maturity.

Binani had a golden opportunity of going down in history,but blew it chasing a fast receding phantom while being goaded by greedy lieutenants that have more interest in what they can rip off her. She was fooled into being paranoid,desperate and arrogant. Arrogantly,she boasted of a ” hujja hujja” end. Paranoid,she started chasing shadows right up to the PDP situation room. Desperate,she was tricked into making billions of Naira loses ( an allegation that needs to be proved) .This is the price she had to pay for bad advice and inordinate ambition.

Earlier on,she had been advised to surrender and seek election in 2027 by this writer,but alas,she did not heed the advice. Now that the stakes are much higher. She is now in a precarious position of not only lost credibility with those that had faith in her,but risks a prison sentence ( if found guilty by the courts) for several offences ranging from electoral infringements to bribery and corruption as glaringly alleged.

Madam Aisha Dahiru has made a grievous mistake. Her actions have caused irreparable damage. Now ,it has become evident that she is not only power-hungry, desperate, self- opinionated ,but also provocative. Her utterances before the elections,the use of derogative terms totally exposed her poor opinion of those she should woo.

Her actions have nailed the coffin of her political career for good. It has now become clear that there was no candidate called Aisha Dahiru Binani,but an agenda contrary to the wishes of the people of the state. It is also abundantly clear that her alleged use of money was meant to foist her on the people for self edificaton. Her backers and followers share nothing in common with the average person.

Her goals are myopic, self-centered and targeted against her ” kabilu”. Her plan to use money advised her arrogant utterances of “wujja wujja “( by all means,hook or crook).

The combination of all these played against her.
Binani’s attitude during and after her much deluded belief in the seeming power of money to do and undo has now placed her at the verge of going into political Oblivion,plus an added jail term if things go further by providing the glaring evidence in court against her.

Binani appears to have bitten more than she can chew on the Adamawa political space.