The Macabre Dance of The Jimeta Critical Stakeholders- George Kushi

Domestic News Nigeria 2023 Elections Politics

By George Kushi

Evidently,the self acclaimed” critical stakeholders ” of Jimeta are making a mess of themselves. Their unwitting utterances against the Secretary to the State Government should at the least be made by a juvenile politician. The elections have come and gone,yet they think this is the right time to apportion blame.
This is ridiculous. What they are doing is akin to a midwife strangling a baby at birth but after discovering that the baby had survived started advising the mother how she should further nurse the child.

The conspirators in Jimeta were myopic to have conceived a plan to fold their hands and see Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri lose Jimeta just to prove that they are in charge. Two months before the elections,it was in the grapevine that Binani will win. The assumption was that they would make a mixed grill of PDP at the presidential level and APC at the gubernatorial level. With this they expected to have a say at both levels. But that was not to be. Fintiri the comeback kid also known as the indomitable overcomer made it. It took them quite sometime to realise that things will not go their way hence the turnaround and the vicious slander against Dr. Bashiru Ahmad.

Out of envy they left him alone to treat the streets of Jimeta in a bid to ensure success for the PDP. But a clueless bunch of “critical stakeholders”,that folded their hands are now up from their slumber while the battle raged proferring ideas as to how a government they did not help at the polls should be run. Is it not foolish to come up with such an idea when their plan was to see the PDP lose the governorship in a stupid bid to prove how powerful they are? If Fintiri had lost,this bunch of clowns would have been at the forefront flexing their inadequate political skeletons and proclaiming how they helped the APC win. They would have gone out to declare their indispensability in the Adamawa political equation. Now that reality has dawned on them that they are very much dispensable,they have come around to see what they can make out of the situation.

This much is part of the hypocrisy of this bunch that wants to reap where they did not sow. Yeah,they ensured that Fintiri lost Jimeta in a very questionable manner. That should be enough to massage their ego as election fraudsters . Yet ,not satisfied they now changed gears to blame the person they relentlessly sabotaged from bringing on the much needed victory in Yola North. Having failed,it appears by their recent moves that they know that the next four years will be hard on them. They know that an abrupt about turn is the only thing that can ensure their survival in the next four years hence this campaign of calumny to place one of theirs as the SSG. It is a disgrace that people that developed a “siddon look” attitude in the heat of the battle , people that did not identify with the PDP when all hands should be on deck are the ones clamoring for attention from the same person they betrayed.

The truth is that the “forum” they represent is of no political consequence and they should tuck their tails between their legs and disappear. Their “intensive deliberation ” as they claim is nothing but an afterthought of how to survive as a class that contributed nothing to the PDP victory.

The PDP in Adamawa state and His Excellency Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri know everyone’s role and where they stood in the most trying moments. Ordinary citizens that felt the pangs of labor that birthed victory for the people,PDP and democracy know those that were on their side. No one is fooled by those carpetbaggers appearing at the end of the battle for booty.

The long and the short of the story is that those that did not labor in the enterprise should keep mum and peacefully give way to those that did their best to maintain sanity even if they could not fully deliver due to the medlesom interference of fifth columnist. Those that facilitated and abetted a grand rigging should be made to understand that their worst did not prevail over the the good intentions of the people of Adamawa.

As the drama comes to a close,one cannot help but remember the great maxim that good will always prevail over evil. The plot conceived by vile people has failed. What the government and people of Adamawa should do is to shut their ears to the wolves baying at the moon.