Any Government in Power by George Kushi

Domestic News Politics

George Kushi

Having survived another round of tomultous Elections, Nigerians are at the height of their trade in stock of shifting loyalties by quickly supporting the “winners”. As long referred to,we now have legions of unconsiounable ” Any Government in Power ” actors jostling for positions trying to reap where they did not sow.

These actors are at their best trying to prove loyal so as to stay in the scheme if things. Check this out, and you can decipher their schemings.

Who can claim ignorance of what transpired in Adamawa for instance? Was there no anti-party activity in all the contending political parties?

Let truth be told. Many of those trying to hold on to the governments in power bear/bore divided loyalties,hence the collective failure to move forward with our quest for improved governance.

This is happening at all levels but more so in Adamawa where the dividing line between the two major parties the PDP and APC is only in the names of the people involved. In the aftermath, immediately after the elections a group parading itself as”critical stakeholders”was at the forefront of proposing those to be appointed despite being mere onlookers when it really mattered. Now that battle has been won ,those “siddown look” characters that wanted to see if the PDP can succeed in Adamawa without them are running helter skelter in search of offices;a case of trying to reap where they did not sow.

What remains to be seen is if they will succeed in their scheming.

However,the lesson that such characters bear no good is a pointer to the fact that their purpose is basically selfish. Their shameless approach and efforts to tarnish the image of others should be loudly condemned.
As these shameless and clueless characters roam around the seat of power in search for succor,they should be made to understand that what they are receiving is not what they deserve, but charity.

Hark! These Any Government in Power people are parasites and deserve to be treated as such. The government should pay attention to this lest the children in the house struggle with stray cats over the food in the house.

Did I hear a rat squeak!!!!